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Upcoming Courses

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The School of Sacred Life Alignment

The School is devoted to offering teachings and guidance rooted in deep integrity. creating transformative learning experiences for those called to align with a more connected way of being. The wisdom shared here spans the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms, all with the same purpose: to clear the obstacles that limit your true potential as a spiritual being. 

The School Alumnae group is an intimate container of women who have undergone mentorship, training or extensive coaching with Dr Leila. This community was initiated to provide a sisterhood founded in integrity, respect and aligned commitment to consistently strive to live a more sacredly aligned life. We host webinars, debates, circles or workshops facilitated by Dr Leila or affiliated practitioners or fellow sisters. Those who are able also meet for social gatherings, ceremony and celebration.  The tribe enjoys free giveaways and discounts on retreats and workshops and are invited to exclusive alumnae events. We regularly share love, inspiration and support via our Whatsapp community group.​In order to maintain the integrity of the group membership is currently by invitation only.


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